Friday, June 14, 2013


MONTH'S TITLE: An Interview with a Disgusted Agent!

BANSHEE: We sit down with the infamous USAGENT2009 to talk about what's on his mind this month.

USAGENT2009: Hi...

BANSHEE: So, how's thing's and where are we taking it this month? Besides needing to ask you about the most controversal topic this time around..."what is the new parting of way's" about? It is about you and shall "we say" the ending of a almost 9 yr relationship with S.S. & more important A(*)P.

USAGENT2009: Yeah, I actually gave "you" a real existance by asking you to be a real person for this and many more interviews to come...I didnt want to talk to myself like i actually could have if I wanted to just bitch....

BANSHEE: So you are then through with the so called friendship thing?

USAGENT2009: Well, I first off didnt end anything...this was if I'm to understand through the bitching's of "A" that it was more his decision. I think the entire thing is dumb...but I've come to realize I cant continue to have people in my corner who look down on things I believe in. (UPDATE:"I tried addressing the issues once again in late April which was a series of texts and calls that by my own better judgement got roughly 2 months of peace talks.) Beyond that there was more accusations and random tiffs which placed more team related projects between the two companies on the proverbial back burner once again.) 

BANSEE: So what is the real reason behind this?

USAGENT2009: To be comes down to things I see as lies...I basically had a series of clashes with "A" over what I call a test of who is going to play follower. (UPDATE:) His balls always in yer face type of tests) I feel that the relationship is strained by what I'm supposed to take as truth and what I know in my heart is total bullshit.

BANSHEE: About what?

USAGENT2009: One was about the thing all friends and mutual collectors do...tell each other they found a new fig. In our case I dont really hide anything..if I see it i grab it for me first obviously...If I can I grab, hold or call a friend to make them aware I am holding a new find...(UPDATE We here at S.B.T. tried on more than one occasion to resolve indifferent opinions about such projects as the "Radio Comic Book Show") Metal meets Comics. Basically nothing ever was put into action. Not to say Screaming Banshee Toyz didnt try like hell. We were met with stall tactics and lack of motivational skills by the "Boys" at "SS". In short.

BANSHEE: So what ocurred?

USAGENT2009: I think it was him contacting me to tell me he had found some things, I basically realized due to his in ability to get to this location that is sounded to be a normal "if I had answered my phone in the first place, we wouldnt be having this bitch-out" Look I'm a busy person...I make time for my friends...but I also work, and help run S.B.T. as well as do reviews on Youtube which will be picking up very shortly. I couldnt answer the phone and this started this argument. (UPDATE: )And now my firm hold on the goings on here at "Agent's & Banshee's Monthly Publication...And I also am part of the Purchasing division at S.B.T. Lmtd. 

BANHEE: So this ended it ? Over a toy?Or S.B.T./ SS rivalry ? Or was it the unfair tactics or sharing projects by the two factions?

USAGENT2009: No, but it was the spark...We have to do this as far back as I can remember over 9 yrs, at least 1-2 times a yr. I wasn't in the mood. I called his bluff. (on the figs on a more personal collecting issue) And also stated that (Madman) couldn't have done shit to find,purchase and hand these over to "A." So fuck me for knowing Madman's Schedule and knowing he wasn't coming over for two more day's....(UPDATE:) We also at S.B.T. had our own war of issues with SS because on a business note things we wanted to incorporate into a shared project were dragging on. It wasn't like this was a began as a series of idea (I) and S.B.T. (talked) through with A(*)P and wanted to see them working with us on. (Radio Cmic Show) And most recently in June after resolving our differences. (A Comic Book Movie Gathering Night) to be held once every few months to do a non profit thing with both companies organizing people to come out and share in the love for comics. 

BANSHEE; So like that he called it quits?

USAGENT2009: No we argued as we do...thats fine I'm all for a good's just when someone shows you Marvel Legend's in a cell pic that is a series we have'nt saw on the shelves since 2008 I begin to wonder if this is a typical ploy to grab my attention...cause it was not on his frantic call at that moment. (UPDATE: And now with the turn of events this past week I decided to finally release this interview.

BANSHEE: WTF would spark this?

USAGENT2009: (Update:) I tried to bury the hatchet by clearing the air 2 months ago....things were still rocky..I said we should put the  radio show back up and make it a mutual project involving all three members of both companies. At the time "They sounded on track. It came up once in text and never again. I left the door open for S.B.T. to meet with SS and discuss doing mutual reviews on each of "our " mutual sites for both companies. It came up as it always does in phone or text and then it sounds like we agree and all things are positive and then they never want to make things happen? I went as far as to have their team of columnists write for us and we do the same and when its brought up by me weeks later, A(*)P responds with having no time. No desire to pester his crew. I made attempts at A(*)P's request for both teams to do a movie night so that both factions could get the water back under the bridge so to speak. "We negotiated a friendly gathering for "Man Of Steel." This Became a flip Flop on Their part over the date, Time and who was flipping the bill. "In any good business venture everything comes down to friendship." We or I cant even resolve minor issues to make a thing like a review or mutual business project happen. Clearly it's not uncommon to see this retarded behavior from "A" in the past...In the context of the collecting issue in Oct I simply was not able to take his call and he flipped...I called b.s. and got a retaliation of text pic's trying to defend his story...(along with the usual name calling and bitching). I wasn't really amused. Look if a friendship ends over toys and who's nuts are bigger then I'll be the first to admit I'll take it to heart. We both have a stubborn side.

BANSHEE: So then is this the way you've chosen to go...with this interview? Other topic maybe?

USAGENT2009: Yeah, and we will talk toys in online pub's 2 to infinity rest assured..I needed this's been a bitch of a week. I guess this is not the entire story I mean this is not the final straw...(Update: The argument over something like all of us getting together for Man Of Steel was probably the last straw! If that was to have happened and things went well we or even i would have opened all doors for some kind of mutual company project. I was totally open to sharing ideas and doing the community Movie vote to get others in just our town interested in gathering for a night out for comic book movie sharing. This was something S.B.T. wanted to happen to get out the message that we at S.B.T. want fans and local friends in and around the community to talk comics. But SS and A(*)P shot down the idea and didn't want anyone putting on the project (outside movie house) to profit. "Oh and by the way, I'm still waiting on my promised Iron Man 3 review by (SS & A(*)P) which was most likely going to be a trade for trade company review. It would have once again been nice to see both companies names on projects on each others mutual forums.

BANSHEE: So it got worse?

USAGENT2009: well of course it did...(lol) you cant end 9 years without some real mud in the water...I guess there was a peace treaty and then a few weeks later more dirt in the wounds...I dont is a big issue...ask anyone who has endured my wrath...many of losses and betrayal's later and you realize when the phone stops ringing that you have to not only play with yer toys alone...but be a man about who your going to lower the defenses to again...(Update:And this last time we got blind sided by a Change in dates for the Man Of Steel Premier) Sound Stupid/ It is! But I see it as just more tactics By A(*)P to keep the bickering alive. It is just a gathering of his side and ours for a god damn movie, but also comes down to personal integrity when you cant trust friends on either side of the table or business world. He never looks at the betterment of both factions delivering ideas as a team. and The what could have been focus......A Movie get together turns into good relations, turns into friends turns into working on things as company based co-projects which produces things for our customers and fans of our sites and stores.

BANSHEE: So what was the deciding factor or factors to a means to an end? If that's what we are calling it...or is it just on hold ?

USAGENT2009: As you know and soon many readers will...I started with Screaming Banshee Toyz in 2005 or just before...we did some sales with that looser company/auction site that begins with an (E). No advertising for them here "Bitch!" I had just met "A" a short time before that and he did some work with initial design concepts we were introducing. And around that time S.B.T. was just coming together (Est.2006) Fast foreword to a few weeks ago (Oct 2012)...I've also wrote a review and planned more with "A" at S.S. that's what friends do...I had placed him on a list for a side job I applied for...That turned into the debacle you see now. That in turn led to a series of major business let downs such as the radio show which was to be a sort of "Agent's & Banshee's" using the (now) name or SS online name along with a certain Madman. Which was to open up a vote for the contest opener "who'ed win in a fight between all Three fictitious characters. Leading to more promotions and prize give away's "Sound Great?" Yeah....well thank Failure on a certain companies lack of caring to help Screaming Banshee Toyz Fulfill that desire for fans!. Not our fans, the fans of comics.....(Sorry we Tried).

BANSHEE: So he was a reference?

USAGENT2009: Yeah, (Update: a reference for conflict (13). And a few others i entrusted...I had the project in the pocket...I missed a typical weekly call from "A"..I listened to the message and called him back...I was running late, had a ton of things to do and just needed the short ass version of his speech. I got the long one...I didn't have time for the version he wanted to tell... (Update: But Now after smoothing over the rough patches Jun/11/13. You can once again blame ego for dissolving any future plans to work together. 

BANSHEE: So he got angery huh?

USAGENT2009: The usual...I typically get this test of loyalty tossed in my lap at least 10 times a yr as well...Look no one loves or did love "A" more than me...but I too have  things i do...I ship orders, run products and now do a review column as well as a soon to be video review...I purchase product for S.B.T. and have been doing basic set up with our new hub linking all our online stores and forums..I make time each week to sit down with the boys of S.S. to hang and b.s. I also have a regular job...I got frustraited with having to hear a long story which didnt need to be told to my client for the side project. I totally get he was helping and buffering my situation by adding positive renforcement to the person who he spoke with...I just didnt have 45 fckin mins to listen to a very long winded tale that never actually took place involving me.

BANSHEE: SO let me get this came off (to put lightly) as a lie based around a positive reference?

USAGENT2009: Yes assuming I needed this big production to cover my ass? Any simple fcking yes he will do good work on your team or project work would have been fine in my eyes. If they didnt like his answer or me afterwords..then him telling them to fuck off for both of us would have been fine with me. We both are not new to the b.s. of the world and we think alike or at least I thought we did. So he got pissed ranted and called me selfish, spoiled and not a real friend in a very basic overview of this argument. Then proceeded to not only hang up, but say how I was not loyal or thankful for any favors he did me? WOW!

BANSHEE: So was that it? did you say anything, cause we know you dont hold back if you have to defend yourself.

USAGENT2009: Well if 9 yrs of shaking my head when "A" was ever over the top with me or "his so called best friend....who I can't hold a candle to even though he bitches about him and say's I'm the only one who understands is not loyal or a friend then I'm an idiot for calling him a best friend I guess as well. So basically I got thrown under a bus like some ex bitch would do to me or some other guy she was through with...but nothing compares to being a reason for his anger which, if I'm not mistaken "friend" you had long before I ever broke bread with you!

BANSHEE: So typically we can add that when and if he reads this he will blame you more and hold his higher than rightious head high as the victor?

USAGENT2009: Like I said, I didnt end it, he did, or what ever he is calling it this I miss him...sure...but I'm not a fucking tampon. And if I was supposed to come along with a purse for this friendship then he should take it out of his best friends hand and give it to me. I got the classic phone blocked routine from him a gf would use on her man she is using when she wants to be a in charge and run the relationship or end it on her me that says alot about 9 yrs and many also says that when I thought we would grow old bitching and loosing our minds together over assholes around us, that in the race he came in way ahead of me on loosing his mind!

BANSHEE: So any parting words and is it over in your eyes? I feel like this is like the battle going on at Marvel/Dc? 

USAGENT: In the big picture who knows...I think he blew up way too much...I'm not some ignorant clown who he can expect to not have my own voice. (The way I see it it is like that of the two major comic book companies. Always great on their own, and could be so much greater together as a team on future works...but the world may never share that vision due to politics and bs. We were friends and comic book geeks together because we both shared the same opinions, visions and issues on life, loves and comics...I am mad as hell. But I'm more upset that a person I believed was there to the end through blood , sweat and tears. Through anger and aggression has reduced a friendship to his own needing to be right.  That people on both sides of the business cant make things happen together. And that it appears he feels justified to always having me need to always run around showing gratitude. Or that he needs to feel he needs to throw over inflated examples in my face to feel superior. "It's a friendship not a god damn debate!" I cant be the one crawling back every time. And telling me selling toys and collecting was all his idea is him just wanting to hurt me and our friendship and once again make himself the sole brains of this dumb outfit...My colors stand true...I'm not the one who needs to look at this from my side anymore. Let it be his fcking decision to correct the problem or sit in his house or office and hate my ass!

BANSHEE: Wow strong would you return to this and doing reviews at S.S. if he asked and the friendship ever? And Whats on the herizon for you and S.B.T.?

USAGENT2009: Well he needs to look me up..(Update: Looking me and S.B.T. up is clearly a waste of time and energy. I addressed the issues on a friendship basis and as a consultant for S.B.T. to get both companies to the table. And its clear that "they" like their stance and the way things currently are. I'm no longer a punching bag on any issue, business or any there of. I'd do reviews...but it's a friend thing first. I don't think I'd ever expected what I call a total walking out on a friendship from him...he puts equal stress on his other relationships and being told it's a "me, me, me " thing from him is nothing more than saying there's something else there going on to spit in my face about who and what I am and have been...I am a strong opinionated person...if that's selfish than he needs to look at himself...cause he has always attempted last say with anyone...that makes it all about him. The further I look into the reference thing it tells me there's more than one liar involved there too...and it's not me. As for new, well your looking at it...the "new monthly publication here....I'll be adding new review vid's to Youtube and it will always appear here in the monthly well as linked to our hub web page.. And the entire issue by issue publication will be formatted to a thread in our go check it out...I promise every interview with an Agent moving foreword to be totally about a rant and bitch about comics, action figures and anything related.

BANSHEE: Any last words for anyone who catches on to this new form of review and checks back each month for all the news and reviews on our page?

USAGENT2009: Yes, check out our page at the hub: 

and also on youtube, search usagent2009. Or at our forums page:

USAGENT2009:Oh, and in the word's of my grandfather who said this to me at least once a week since the age of 16: "Your friend's....Are not your friend's!"

USAGENT2009: But if That Doesn't Work, Well Then "Remember, It's Not About If You Win Or Loose The Battle...It's How Many Fingers Your Holding Up At The End!"

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